Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Last weekend I saw two movies, they both were about life after death.


The first one is called “What dreams may come”, Robin Williams is the main character in the movie. He had a wife and two children; they all died for different reasons. When he was in heaven, he saw an amazing world made with paint. It’s a beautiful movie.
The second movie that I saw was “Hereafter”.  In this movie there are different stories about death and one man that can relate with death people. It’s a really great movie.


  1. Hi Anita! I liked your comment, I hope I could see the both films :)
    It's very funny that you have see 2 films with the same topic!
    Well, this, see you in one moment, bye bye!

  2. Anita :) It's really fascinating the story of both movies. I want to see this films bus it seems very sad and I really good for crying.
    So, see you in the next class :) . bye

  3. anita hi!
    i see the first movie, and it's so good! i crying all the movie :'( ... it's a good chance for think in the heaven and how will be ...
    see you later on the next happy class :\

  4. Anita!
    I saw the movie "What dreams may come", it's very sad,I cried all the time.
    I have not seen the second film,
    I began to see it but I fell asleep.

    Bye bye
